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A member registered Jun 07, 2021

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I do not even have words... 

I am going to make as many people as i can play experience this art.

This is goddamn beautiful. 

Loved it, especially since my screenames were always "royalblood" (the band) and it just felt super personal lol plus i love zombie movies.

same... damn it. have you gotten it to work?

Oh i must've been mistaking the lid's movements as my movements caused by me. Thank you! i completely forgot that i could leave the computer. :D

Hey, i'm not sure what i'm doing wrong here. I'm trying to open the jar, when i click certain spots the lid moves slightly, sometimes it won't move at all, i've been trying to drag the lid and the jar, been at this for like 6 minutes lol playing the web version. I'm going to try the downloadable version as well. But just wanted you to know, also minor error in the controls instructions, A and D moved the camera and not S and D, i thought my keyboard was broken for a second lol This game looks super cool by the way!


I know, and it doesn't work since the translations are jumbled, The most anyone can get from the translation is criticism in the first place, and our problem is just that, the feedback is only saying that we did a horrible job or something along the lines of that, and nothing more. So it's unhelpful.

Yeah, i agree. i'm feeling the same way.

is the game broken? i fixed the broken heart but the timer still runs out. :(

this is fun, wish there was another

I love this game. I wish there was a longer version.